Private jewellery class in Florence: professionals to turn to 

Which gems to choose 

In the world of gems, certain precious stones are more suitable for making jewellery. The most famous and widely used are sapphires, emeralds, rubies and diamonds. But there are many others beneath the earth’s surface that are highly sought after by designers and lovers of fine jewellery. Thanks to private jewellery class in Florence, you can learn which ones to choose to create beautiful creations. Gems such as lapis, malachite and tiger’s eye are incredible for the colour saturation and opacity of the stones. However, besides their appearance, there are many other advantages to wearing necklaces with semi-precious stones. The main ones are:

  • versatility: you can choose semi-precious stones for any necklace
  • timeless beauty: they exude an anachronistic beauty that you cannot find in artificial jewellery.
  • elegance: a necklace with semi-precious stones will give your outfit an impeccable look

Gems also have beneficial effects on the body. For example:

  • garnets: increase your energy levels and confidence.
  • amber: wear it to relieve neck, head and throat pain, as well as to combat fatigue and anxiety.
  • amethyst: has a calming effect and is said to provide relief against anxiety. It is ideal for people suffering from mood swings because it brings serenity and happiness. Wearing this jewel lulls the mind and has a calming effect.

Private jewellery class in Florence: who to contact

To take private jewellery class in Florence you can rely on the competence and professionalism of Schmuck Studio, which has been a real point of reference in the sector for years. It is a fully equipped jewellery workshop. Schmuck Studio organises both private courses and half-day workshops for up to 4 people. All classes are customised to your individual needs, to bring out the best in each project. All students, ifine, will be supervised by highly qualified professionals, with whom they can learn the basics and improve their technique.